We aim to get live calves out of healthy cows and so we will respond to calvings in a timely manner. We come fully equipped to do the job and are experienced in caesarean section when required.
To get the best result for all concerned the following guidelines will help you to make the decision to call us.
By intervening at suitable times you are more likely to get a live calf and a healthy cow.
We are also available to attend to all other obstetrical related problems, both pre and post calving such as uterine and vaginal proplases, metabolic illnesses and retained foetal membranes (RFM or retained afterbirth).
Uterine prolapses require immediate attention, whilst vaginal ones do not. RFMs are best left for 2-3 days post calving before intervention is required, but we do recommend injectable antibiotics beforehand for protection from systemic illness.
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