Along with regular exercise and veterinary care, careful nutrition is the best way you can contribute to your pet's prolonged good health.
These are the basic nutrients every pet needs:
How do you make sure your pet's diet is healthy?
We strongly recommend that you:
Life Cycle Feeding
Your pet's nutritional requirements will change as they age. Puppies need puppy food because it is higher in energy, calcium and protein, but feeding it to an adult dog can lead to obesity. Likewise, older pets need diets restricted in fat and supplemented with fibre for their optimum health. Many premium senior diets also contain additives to assist in the management of arthritis and can make your pet more comfortable. Please give us a call to discuss your pet’s nutritional needs. We can tailor a diet specifically for your pet that will give them the optimum quality and length of life. Remember, you are what you eat, and the same goes for your pet!
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